Artful Innovation: Inclusive Design and Technology

July 20 – August 30, 2017 | A Jean Kennedy Smith Arts and Disability Program


Neri Oxman

Humans often think about travel to other planets in our solar system. After leaving Earth’s atmosphere, visits to these planets would face crushing gravity, long periods of darkness, unbreathable air, and dangerous temperatures. This series of 3D wearables explores the idea of life-sustaining clothing that would transform dangerous planetary elements into ones that support human life. Mushtari, Zuhal, and Otaared (which are Arabic names) are clothing designed for their respective difficult environments of Jupiter, Saturn, and Mercury.

Neri Oxman's Website A v-shaped wearable from the waist to mid-thigh that is composed of variously sized contorted tubular plastic. The plastic is blue, dark green, red, and dark orange. Two black mannequin wearing a garnment that ressemble to an explosion of green and red spikey and twirling hairs